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Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy) Page 10
Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy) Read online
Page 10
Zach tried to stay calm as he answered. “You say Alex was heavily pregnant? If so, then we have some time. We need you over here, Bri, we need all the information we can get. I’m sure Thadius will agree but I’m going to phone and get the jet sent over, James will be in touch with times and you need to come back here.”
His tone held no room for argument and Bri knew this so answered appropriately. “Of course Zach, anything I can do, anything at all. I’m going to phone Thadius now.”
Zach ended the call and looked over at Alexina. Of course he didn’t have a block in place so she knew exactly what Bri had told him. She whimpered and folded herself into his arms.
“It’s okay – I’ll make sure nothing happens to you ... or the twins. Please try and not worry, it’s not good for you.” Zach tried hard to calm the fear he felt washing over his mate. He continued on into the lift and led her back to their room.
Zach held Alex tight to him the entire night, trying to let her know that he would protect her ... no matter what. His one, his only, priority was to not only keep her safe but have her know she was safe. She didn’t need any extra stress just now – the pregnancy was enough for her to cope with.
Alex slept badly and eventually around 3am, when she had been tossing and turning and moaning for hours, Zach did something he had never done with her. He used his vast power, entering her mind with such strength that nothing could have stopped him. He used his mind to calm her brain – rid her of the nightmares she was having and finally she rested.
He pulled her close and muttered into her ear, “I will keep you safe, little one.”
Although going by what Bri had seen they had time, he didn’t rest – his mind went over what needed to be done. It was going to be a vast operation and would need a lot of planning, the logistics were going to be a colossal upheaval to everyone living in Unity. As far as he could see though, there was no other way.
She woke in his arms and smiled up at him. She felt rested which surprised her, she didn’t think she would be able to sleep. Strange, she thought.
She was grateful though, Zach had told her the night before they were going back home – this morning. Zach held onto her as she tried to get up. “A little while longer ... stay here just a little while longer.”
She wiggled uncomfortably. “Zach, I need to pee – I’m sure the twins are lying right on top of my bladder.”
He let her go reluctantly. “Be quick – I want my wench in bed with me!”
She laughed and jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, did a pee and then started brushing her teeth. “Where are you, wench?” Zach shouted.
“With the look on your face, I’m doing something for both of our sakes – I’m brushing my teeth!” she shouted back.
“Good thinking,” he replied.
She came back in and didn’t bother going round to her side, she did a little jump and landed right on top of Zach. “Be careful Alexina – you’re pregnant,” he rebuked.
“I may be pregnant but I can still enjoy myself, Vampire,” she retaliated.
“I think we should practise positions for when you’re further on. I was looking them up online when you were sleeping the other day,” he told her.
She raised her eyebrows. “Oh you were, were you? And just what did you find out?”
He kissed her and moved the covers so they weren’t between them. “Well, one of the positions was the spooning one? We’ve done it before – quite a few times – but I think we should practise anyway.” He laid her next to him and turned onto his side, then turned her round so her back was to his front. He lifted her negligee up high, put his arm around front and pulled her bottom back onto him.
Alex giggled. “I see you’re rather amorous this morning, Mr Vampire,” and she ground her bottom onto his erection.
Zach moved his hand down and felt her folds – already wet. “I think you may be just as amorous, wench. Now, where was I...” He started to work her with his hand, she moaned deeply and it pulled at his very hard shaft. He pulled her bottom a little further towards him and up a little, settled himself at her entrance. “I think I would quite like a quickie this morning, what do you think?” he whispered into her ear.
“Mmm sounds good to me,” she replied, always amazed at the way her body responded to his touch. He pushed in – hard – and started moving. He still used his hand to work her most sensitive area and her moans got louder. He continued until he knew she was on the brink and entered harder, faster, nearing his own. His fangs came out and he ran them along her shoulder. As soon as they came into contact with her skin, she pushed back onto him and moved with him, more forcefully now.
He laughed into her hair. “Anticipating my bite, little one?” She couldn’t answer – her mind was fractured with feelings. He pierced her skin and once more her reaction was immediate. She screamed his name and her blood ran into his mouth as he sucked hard.
Her blood was truly supernatural. Every single time he tasted it he marvelled at how good it was, he marvelled at the reaction it caused in him, and his own release came very quickly. He continued to lap at her while milking his climax. His fangs retracted and he kept her there – he didn’t withdraw from her.
“I’m staying like this for a bit Alexina. It’s the most perfect place for me – and I don’t want to leave it. Lie with me like this, little one?” he asked.
“Always,” she replied.
Soon, too soon, they had to get up, Vlad and Irina would be almost ready. Zach had texted Vlad last night to say they would be leaving early this morning. No other details, just that they would be going. After they showered, Alexina started packing their belongings. “What about the tux, Zach? Is it getting picked up?” she queried.
Zach’s tone was playful as he replied, “Nope – I bought them for Vlad and I. I thought I might need it for the wedding.”
Alex stopped and looked at the ring on her finger ... she had nearly forgotten they were engaged. Her stomach did a little flip – she was his, he was hers, they both knew that, but marriage? Well, she was very happy he had asked. At heart she was an old-fashioned woman and it meant a great deal to her.
“Good thinking Batman,” she shouted and packed it with the rest of their things, including their new toys. She had thoroughly enjoyed the last few days, but she wanted to get home, where she felt safe.
An hour later, they had left the hotel and were in Vlad’s car on the way home. Zach had told Vlad about Bri’s call. The large Vampire was visibly upset but he was a consummate professional, telling them “Okay – we can deal with this, my friend. Don’t worry, I’m not about to let anything happen to Alex, or you.”
Alex was pleased that Vlad dealt with things so calmly. It was catching and she found herself untensing, just a bit.
Before they left Tucson, Vlad used his in-car phone. “Dmitri – we’re just leaving the city. I’m not sure if you’ve heard ...”
“Da, I have, Thadius called me immediately he got the information last night. I have already had a meeting with the Guards – all of them – and I’ve got another session set up for now actually. I’ll let you know what we come up with on your return.”
Everyone listened to the grave, accented words of Dmitri. Vlad was nodding his head, as if he half-expected the large Russian to have already taken things in hand.
“Okay, good, I would also like you to send a car with our four best Guards out to meet us. Later, my friend,” and he hung up.
“So looks like Dmitri’s got things in hand, can’t wait to see what he’s come up with, he does tend to ... what’s that buzzword saying again? Oh yeah – he ‘thinks outside the box’.” Vlad gave a snort of laughter as he drove on.
Zach nodded. “That’s good thinking. I have an idea myself, I have run things through and through my head and have came up with the only viable option I can see. Do you want to hear it – see if you agree?”
Vlad answered truthfully. “Zach, you know I
love you my friend, and I will listen to your idea. However, if I don’t agree, you have to abide by that. I’m Head of Security and my job is to protect everyone. Saying that, let’s hear what you have in mind.”
Zach took a deep breath and proceeded to convey what he thought was best. When he finished Vlad let out a huge sigh. “Now that is why you’re my best friend! Our minds think alike. I agree with what you’ve just said – drastic though it is. We just have to convince Thadius and everyone else.”
Alex and Irina were both more than a little shocked at the vastness of what Zach had in mind. Alex didn’t care though, she only wanted her babies to be safe.
Not long after, they had taken the turning that put them on the very lonely road out to Unity when they saw the car with the Guards. They were waiting for them and pulled out after them, following all the way home. Alex felt secure in the knowledge that there were now six very powerful males around for protection and one powerful Wolf.
She thought, not for the first time, that she felt weak. She wished she was stronger, had powers. It didn’t sit well with her that she had to rely on others so much, she wished she could kick some Demon ass herself. Zach looked at her – obviously observing her thoughts. He had a strange look and a mild block on so she wasn’t sure what he was thinking. She raised an eyebrow in query but he just shook his head slightly. Odd, she thought.
Soon they were back in Unity, in their mini-town. Vlad headed towards their bungalow to drop them off. Alex was surprised to see the jeep wasn’t sitting outside. There was a car there but she didn’t know whose it was.
‘Ours’ – the thought came from Zach.
“What?” she asked.
Zach was smiling down at her as he answered. “It’s ours. I took what Vlad said on board – a sedan is much more suitable. I got an automatic so even though I know you’ve not driven here yet … well, it will make it easier so you can use it when you want.”
Once more her Vampire had done something that was for her, she couldn’t get over just how thoughtful he was. He had loved his jeep so getting rid of it was a big thing.
“Oh no Alexina – I’m not that noble! The jeep is in getting a service, I’ve still got it. We are now officially a two-car family.” They both laughed, though Irina was looking at them as if they were a bit mad.
Once they got out and Zach got their stuff from the boot, Vlad waved and shouted “Come over to my office later and we can see what Dmitri and the rest of the Guards came up with. See if they’re as smart as us two.”
Zach just nodded and they headed inside. It was nice to be home, was the first thought through Alex’s head as they entered. “Indeed,” Zach replied.
Alex got all the clothes and sorted through them. I’ll need to do some washing, she thought as she separated the ones that they had used and ones they hadn’t. Why did she always pack too much? She had always done it, no matter where she was going – far too many clothes.
She realised that she was trying to keep her mind occupied, she didn’t want to think about what was coming ... a Demon. She shuddered, thinking back to the ones she had come across in the past. They all made her feel sick, the smell was overpowering and the sense of pure evil was worse. She hoped she was strong enough to face this. Then she put her hands on her small rounded belly – she would face anything to keep her babies safe.
Zach walked into the room, having heard her thoughts. He came to her and enveloped her in his arms. She always felt safe in his arms. “I think we should go and see David and then see Thadius.”
“Okay, give me a second – I need to pee again!” She was sure the babies were lying right on top of her bladder.
A little later, as they entered the clinic, David was standing talking to a nurse on reception. Alex didn’t know her but she was obviously Kate’s replacement.
“Zach, Alex – nice to see you. Come on back, I’ve got the blood tests through and also a copy of the scan.” David led them through to his office.
Once they were seated, he turned in his seat to face them before talking. “So the blood tests show that the hormones in your blood are way higher than normal. We can only surmise that this is because of the way the pregnancy has progressed, i.e. far quicker than normal. According to the scan, the babies are now around fourteen to sixteen weeks. Everything seems fine with them though, there are no abnormalities or anything else amiss. They are perfectly healthy.” Although they knew this, it was still nice to hear David reiterate it.
“I understand you will be going back in about four weeks for another one?” he asked.
“Yes, but it will be a flying visit – we’ll go and come back the same day. We don’t want to be away from Unity for any length of time,” Zach confirmed.
“Right – well okay Alex, come in next week and I’ll repeat the blood tests and just check all is going along nicely,” David advised.
She nodded and got up to leave, just as she got to her feet David spoke again. “So, mum and dad, how’s it feel to have one of each?”
Alex stopped dead and Zach grabbed her hand. “What?” she gasped.
“One of each, you know, a girl and a boy? How’s it feel?” David had a smile on his face.
“We didn’t know,” Zach let out a long breath.
“Oh my – did you say you didn’t want to know? Have I let the cat out of the bag?” David sounded upset.
“Uhm no … but it didn’t occur to us to ask. Is it not too early? Plus the doctor didn’t offer the information,” Alex said. She and Zach were more than a bit shocked – a boy and a girl. Could they be any more blessed?
“To be honest, when I spoke to him on the phone I think he was just astounded at the way this has progressed so swiftly. I think he may have just forgot. But the information is in what he sent me – there is definitely a boy and a girl in your womb, Alex.” David smiled at their expressions.
“A boy? Zach, my line has never had a boy!”
Zach lifted one side of his mouth in a smile. “Honey, my line has never had anything – boy or girl.”
Alex laughed and hugged her belly. Zach placed a hand over hers. Their children, a baby boy and girl … he couldn’t wait to meet them.
“Come on, we need to tell Tatiana,” she squealed.
Chapter 11
They reached the Headquarters Office and there were the usual Guards outside. She never got over how big they all were. Zach asked if Thadius was in his office and they nodded, so they continued in and up the stairs.
Alex loved this building, every time she came she noticed something she hadn’t before. This time it was a painting to the side of the stairs – it was a landscape with a Wolf in the foreground. It was huge and gorgeous and she thought it might be one of the Wolves here.
Zach knocked on the door and entered, pulling her behind him. Thadius was behind his desk with a lot of paperwork covering the top and Tatiana was curled up on the sofa reading. It was rare nowadays to see one without the other. No official statement had been made, but Alex thought they were more than friends … she was pretty sure they were mated.
Tatiana looked up and her face broke into a radiant smile. “Alex, honey, how are you? Did you have a nice time in Tucson?”
Alex moved over to sit with her and as she got closer Tatiana leapt up and grabbed her hand, staring at the ring. “What’s this? Its gorgeous, Alex. So Vampire, you’re going to make an honest woman out of my girl?” Her voice was her usual sing-song and she sounded very happy.
“That I am, Fairy. As soon as possible.”
A thought passed from Alex to Zach before he smiled and spoke again. “I mean, we wouldn’t want our son and daughter born out of wedlock, now would we?” he said proudly.
Tatiana’s face was a picture – her head was going back and forth looking from Zach to Alex and back again.
“Congratulations, you two! I’m very happy for you,” Thadius boomed. He came round and shook Zach’s hand and slapped his back.
“A son? You did say a son?” Tatiana asked and Alex nodded. “Oh well, that’s unexpected – I thought it would be two girls. How exciting!”
Alex was smiling widely as she answered, “Yes, that’s how we feel too. We’re just trying to get our heads round it.” Tatiana led Alex to the sofa and they sat down.
Thadius had a solemn look on his face as he spoke. “Sorry to dampen the mood but I think we need to talk about what Bri called about? James has already left in the jet to get her – she should be here by tomorrow.”
“I spoke with Vlad on the drive back and we agree on what should essentially be done. I’ll leave that up to him, he is Head of Security and it’s his place to speak to you. I just hope you support what we have came up with, Thadius. All I’ll say is that it has not happened before and drastic measures are required.”
“Zach, if it’s the best plan of action, I’m sure myself and the rest of the Council will back you,” Thadius said.
His Fairy spoke up. “Good, we need to keep these babies safe, Thadius ... nothing can harm them. They are going to be very, very special.”
“Do you know something?” Alex queried the Fairy.
“Alex, I don’t need to know something – I can feel it. They are going to be very extraordinary children and I’m sure you and Zach are going to be great parents and role models.”
Once more it ran through Alex’s head that she wished she was strong like Zach, or a shifter like Irina. She wished she had more power at her fingertips, so she could feel more secure in her abilities to protect her young.
Zach once more looked at her with that peculiar expression. She wondered what he was thinking, she didn’t like it when she couldn’t feel all that he thought.
As he read this in her mind, he just raised an eyebrow.
“Tatiana, can I leave Alex here for a bit? I’m going to go meet Vlad. Dmitri and the other Guards may also have come up with some ideas and we’d like to go over them before a plan is put before the Council.” Zach was itching to see if Dmitri had come up with anything that he hadn’t thought of.