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The Reluctant Alpha Page 3
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Page 3
“Och, thank you, Cameron,” Agnes replied as she turned away to start making up a basket of food for the boys to take.
“If you’ve any shortbread can you put some in?” Cam asked. “You know you make the best shortbread in Scotland!”
“Behave!” Agnes smiled. “But, yes, I do have some and I’ll put it in for you.”
“Good, and you lot better leave it for me. I’ve not had any for so long I’m sure I’ll fight you for it!”
Logan laughed, “That’s your fault for not coming home to visit more often!”
“True,” Cam finished off his scone and continued, “but doesn’t mean I won’t beat you down if you touch it!”
All three of his friends put their hands out, palms up, Rory being the spokesman for them, as usual. “Okay, okay, we promise not to touch your shortbread!”
Agnes sniggered as they all joined in, laughter filling the kitchen.
~Chapter 3 ~
After a double helping of Mrs. Jenkins’ mince ‘n tatties, the twins and Cormac disappeared to get their luggage. Already packed and waiting for them in their homes, they were back soon. Watching as Jinx hugged his parents’ goodbye, Cam, once again, wondered what it would’ve been like if he had that kind of relationship with his father.
“No point in thinking about it, it didn’t happen and things are what they are,” he told himself as he said goodbye and excused himself to go and say a quick goodbye to his own family.
“We’ll get you at the plane!” Jinx shouted as he left and Cam only nodded as he carried on.
His feet were heavy, his walk slow, as he made his way back to the Alpha’s house. Once again not looking forward to seeing his father. He wanted to get away this time without having their usual arguments, disagreements, or downright fights. For once he wanted to leave without the drama of going head to head with his father.
As he drew nearer the cabin, he saw Grant sitting on the top step, his eyes on Cam as he walked towards him. “Grant.”
“Cam!” Grant stood up, closing the distance between them. “I just wanted to say I didn’t want to take your place as Alpha. I was hoping you would come home and I’d be your Beta.”
Cam reached forward, grabbing his brother into his arms in a tight embrace. “I know that, Grant. But, it was never going to happen. Too much has happened between me and the old man for me to ever return here.”
“Won’t you come home? I kinda miss my big brother.”
Letting Grant go, Cam stepped back, “I’m sorry, Grant, but no. I have too much anger inside me and it would be disruptive to the Pack. You’re going to make a great Alpha and I’ll try and visit more often and you can come visit me too. How’s that sound?”
“I’m sorry.” Grant’s face screwed up as if in pain. “I know he treated you differently and I’m sorry about that and I think he is too.”
“He may well be but it’s too late now. I’ve made my life away from the Pack and I have the freedom to do whatever I want, when I want.”
Grant cocked his head to the side. “Everything apart from being a Wolf. Don’t you miss it?”
Cam sighed, “Sometimes, but don’t let Jinx know that! He’d be hounding me forever if he knew.”
“You’ll always have a home here, if you ever decide to come home that is.”
“Thank you, Alpha,” Cam said solemnly, watching as his brother’s face beamed at him.
“Thank you,” Grant said as they turned and made their way inside.
His father stood in front of the great fire, his back to them, and his mother sitting in her favorite armchair next to the roaring flames. Her eyes flitting to their father as they entered, her obvious worry clear for Cam to see.
Cam went over to her. “Just stopping in to say goodbye. The boys are already on the plane and they’re waiting for me.”
Agnes got up, hugging Cam around the waist. “Be careful, Cameron, we have no idea what you’ll be walking into so please take care.”
“I always do, mother.” Cam hugged her back and he was sure he saw a tear or two in her eyes as she sat back down.
“Father,” Cam said and waited, if he didn’t turn around in one more second Cam was leaving and wouldn’t look back.
A long, drawn out, sigh escaped his father as he turned around. “Be careful,” was all he said and Cam nodded once.
“I will,” he replied before turning around and leaving the house that used to be his home. One that he hadn’t felt comfortable in for almost his entire life.
Cam had spent most of his time over at Mrs. Jenkins’ cabin, eating and even sleeping there more times than he remembered. That was a house full of love and caring, not one ruled by a tyrant. The name seeming to suit his father down to a T. As he closed the door behind him, Cameron wondered just how long it would be before he was back. “As long as I can get away with,” he thought as he made his way back to his jet.
The noise of the other Wolves reaching him far before he walked up the steps. Laughter and jokes were in abundance as he entered, Jinx telling them of some of the hijinks they got up to in the US. Cam smiled widely as he brought the steps up and secured the door, Marcus appearing to double check everything was secure.
Sitting down, Cam motioned to the large wicker basket that had recently been in his mother’s kitchen. “Who remembered the basket? I completely forgot about it.”
“I did,” Logan smirked. “I like my food and your mother’s baking is top notch! No way was I gonna forget to go get it.”
Rory piped up from his place lounging on one of the red leather sofas, “He’s the greedy twin!”
“Hey! I’m not greedy. I just appreciate my food that’s all,” Logan said with a scowl toward his brother. “And when it includes baking by Mrs. S. then I’m definitely not passing it up. That would be like saying ‘no thanks’ to Mrs. J. when she makes mince ‘n tatties! That is just not happening!”
Laughter rebounded around the cabin as Marcus started to taxi for take-off. Rory and Logan sat upright, worry on their faces as they looked out the small windows. Jinx saw it and pounced, “Don’t tell me you two are scared of flying?”
Logan’s white face turned to growl at Jinx, “We’re not exactly what you’d call ‘frequent flyers’ and we’ve never been on anything this small. Are you sure it’s safe?”
Cam stifled his own laughter, “Yes, it’s perfectly safe and a lot faster than those big planes. Marcus is an excellent pilot and he’ll get us there safe and sound. If you’re nervous, have a drink. There’s a bar just at the front.”
Rory got up, grabbing a bottle of Cam’s finest Whisky and some glasses. “Don’t mind if I do,” he quipped as he handed the glasses out and pouring a generous measure in each.
“Just remember, when we land I want you all alert.” Cam ordered as he refused a drink. “We’ll land early evening local time and I want you all in the meeting with the Alpha. I’m interested to hear what my uncle has to tell us and I don’t want you lot with foggy brains.”
“Sure, Cam,” Logan answered looking serious. “We’ll get some rest in a bit, after we’ve had a drink and some of your mum’s goodies.”
“Okay, we’ll have a quick stop shortly to refuel then it’s straight through to the US.” Cam saw Cormac’s brain working overtime and waited on him to start with his questions. Cormac always liked to know every last detail of absolutely everything. He didn’t have long to wait.
“Cam, where exactly are we going and are we landing at your uncle’s?” Cormac sipped the whisky as he asked.
“It’s a large area, the Pack land sits between Deeming and Maple Falls. Part of it runs along the Nooksack River and across it right up and over the Canadian border. My uncle runs a large logging business but he also has luxury cabins he rents out to corporations and others rich enough to afford them.” Cormac nodded and Cam continued, “So, he has a small airstrip that was built to accommodate those folk. They don’t tend to be the type of people that drive, they fly in and out on their own je
“What about other Packs in the area?” Cormac asked, his mind already on the job at hand.
“I know there’s one over the border in Canada that joins Fearghas’ land and there’s a very small one about twenty miles or so past Maple Falls but I think those are the only ones in the area. Unless, of course, others have moved in that I don’t know about.”
Cormac sat up a little straighter inquiring, “Surely your Uncle wouldn’t allow another Pack to take over land near to his without some kind of agreement?”
“No,” Cam’s voice was grim. “Fearghas most certainly wouldn’t, not without some kind of fight but I can’t be certain until we get there.”
“I can’t see a smaller, weaker, Pack taking on a larger Pack though, so if it is other Wolves that are involved then we should be looking to the ones over the border,” Cormac replied.
Cam had already come to that conclusion and smiled at his friend. “My thoughts exactly, Mac. Oh, yeah, remember my cousin Fergie is in a wheelchair from his accident.”
Rory leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees. “I heard about that, what the hell happened? Why didn’t his Wolf heal him?”
“He was hurt while in human form,” Cam frowned, still unclear of the exact facts of what happened. “Apparently, he was unconscious and by the time he was found he was in a coma. He couldn’t turn and his injuries are permanent, hence the wheelchair.”
“Fuck!” Logan cursed.
“Yes,” Cam replied, knowing they were all thinking it would be a fate worse than death to be in a wheelchair and no longer able to transform.
“How does he cope with that?” Jinx was the one who asked what everyone else wanted to.
“I’ve no idea.” Cam shrugged, “I’ve not seen him since it happened, but, I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”
“Cam,” Rory sounded far more serious than his usual self. “What are your orders regarding any threats we come across?”
Cam didn’t even blink as he answered calmly, “We deal with any threats with immediate brutal and deadly force.”
“That’s what I thought you’d say,” Rory responded. “Just wanted to check though.”
“A threat is a threat and the only way to deal with one is to take it out as quickly and efficiently as possible,” Cam’s voice had turned cold and hard. “Don’t think for one minute that I’ve grown soft just because I no longer live within a Pack. I will take out anyone or anything that is a danger to my uncle or his people.”
Cam had taken on the role of leader easily, it was one that fitted him well and only caused problems when he was near his father. The other men looked to him as their “Alpha” and he was perfectly happy to assume the role in this situation. After all, he was definitely not a follower and any time someone tried to put him in that position always resulted in problems, with him never backing down.
Cormac looked around at everyone, “We’re with you, Cam, aren’t we, boys?”
The twins both said, “Aye! That we are.” As Jinx smiled knowingly.
“Good to hear it ‘cause I really didn’t want to turn the plane around and take any of you back home,” Cam joked as the jet started to lose altitude, Rory’s eyes widening in fright.
“For fuck’s sake, Rory!” Jinx pounced again, never letting the opportunity slide to rile the twin. “We’re landing for fuel, there’s nothing to worry about. Quit acting like an old lady!”
Rory’s growl rumbled deep down inside him and Cam put his hands up. “Hey, no horsing around on my plane. I don’t want the leather damaged! On this jet, if ya break it, ya pay for it! Trust me, boys, you definitely do not want to have to pay for anything!”
“Tell him to shut up then!” Rory grumbled as Jinx laughed.
“Grow up! The pair of you are like a couple of kids,” Cormac retorted, getting frowns from both of them.
The jet landed smoothly, to a surprised look from Rory, who hadn’t even realized they were so close to the ground. Jinx apparently couldn’t help one last dig at Rory, “Marcus can land this plane on a sheet of ice and we still wouldn’t know. Stop being a baby and just enjoy the ride.”
Rory scowled but didn’t reply, choosing to look outside the window instead.
It wasn’t long before they were back in the air, on their way to sort out whatever problems the Highland Clan Pack were having and Cam took some time to catch up with everything that’d been happening back in Scotland.
He couldn’t hide his surprise when he learned of two of their friends had found their true-mates and laughed so much his sides ached at all the escapades the trio had gotten up to when helping their friends. As both She-Wolves were with another Pack and their Alpha hadn’t wanted to lose them, the guys had hatched plots to “snatch ‘n grab” the women and mate with them before the Alpha could stop it.
His father hadn’t been pleased when the Alpha had appeared before him, angry and upset at the loss of two of his females but the deed had been done so the only thing left open was restitution. Their Pack had lost a lot of timber in payment for their friend’s actions but they had all worked together to make the “payment” as quickly as possible.
Rory, as usual, was in the thick of things and had paid a high price in man hours to accumulate the timber involved.
“You shoulda seen my hands! Blisters all over them and my body ached for a week!” Rory groaned, looking at his hands as if he expected to see the blisters reappear.
“You’re an old woman! A few blisters didn’t kill anyone and it was your idea to kidnap them in the first place!” Cormac fought hard to stifle his laughter.
“Well, the Alpha wasn’t going to let them go. What else could we have done?” Rory and Logan spoke the exact same words at the same time and Cam burst out laughing.
“By the Goddess, I’ve missed this!” he managed to get out as everyone joined him.
“You two crack me up. How do you do that?” Cam asked, staring at the twins.
“What?” they said in unison.
“That!” everyone else shouted.
Both of them shrugged. “No idea,” Logan said as Rory shook his head.
“Hey, Cam,” Cormac said as he turned around, “you still do that little trick of yours?”
Cam inclined his head to the side, reaching a hand out and clicking this fingers. “You mean this one?”
A pair of jeans appeared in Cam’s hand as he chuckled, “Yup, I can still do it.” Cam’s mother was part Witch and she had passed it onto Cam, he kept it mostly secret and not even his friends knew the extent of his powers. He could cast spells far more powerful than the clothing one they all were aware of.
“Do you use it when you turn?” Rory wanted to know.
“It’s been so long he probably doesn’t remember!” Jinx said scathingly.
“Jinx!” Cam’s tone warning his friend to keep quiet.
“What? You don’t want the guys to know you hardly let your beast out?” Jinx’s anger showing through as he spat out his words.
“What’s going on?” Cormac asked, looking between Cam and Jinx.
Cam shook his head. “Nothing. I’ve just been busy with work lately and not had the chance to transform.”
“Cam, you know that’s not good. Your beast will get restless if you don’t turn.” Again it was Cormac who spoke as the twins stared at him wide eyed.
“Enough!” Cam stood up. “I’m going to rest. Make sure all of you get some too.”
As Cam strode to the rear of the cabin he could hear Rory’s voice clearly, “Shit! That’s not good, we all know how bad it gets if we don’t turn.”
Jinx’s soft voice answered, “I know, I’ve been telling him for weeks.”
Cam’s temper rose at the words. He hadn’t wanted them to know it had been weeks, no, months, since he’d allowed his Wolf free rein. Slamming the door behind him he made his way to his room and threw himself down onto the bed. Anger and his beast prowling around inside his head meant it was a long time before he fell
over into a fitful sleep.
~Chapter 4 ~
Loud knocking woke Cam, his head pounding in unison with the bangs on his door. Jinx shouting, “Cam, get up, we’ll be landing soon.”
Shaking his head to clear it he shouted back, “I’ll be out shortly.”
His tone telling his friend to leave him the hell alone. Cam was still angry at Jinx’s loose words and he wanted to calm himself before joining the group in the cabin. Giving himself a quick wash at the sink in the attached bathroom, he brushed his teeth then ran his hands through his hair, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
“Get a grip!” he said aloud as he felt his beast prowling restlessly once again. “You’ll get out soon enough, Wolf, so just relax.”
His beast seemed to take heed, lying down and sighing. “Good, now behave ‘cause I need to focus.”
When he felt as if he was more in control, Cam stripped off his suit, changing into jeans and a casual shirt. Pulling a denim jacket from his always stocked wardrobe, he shrugged it on before rejoining everyone in the main cabin, noting they were already making their descent. Rory still looked a little worried as the land rose to meet them. “Rory, did you manage to get any rest?”
Cam tried to distract his friend and as Rory’s eyes left the window and found his, he hoped he had.
“Yes, I had a few hours on the sofa.” Rory’s eyes darted to the window again.
“I’ve slept on it more than once,” Cam continued the conversation. “It’s not as good as the bed but it’s comfy enough.”
Rory slapped the leather beside him. “Yes, it’s okay for a nap but Logan’s damn snoring kept waking me.”
“Shut up! I don’t snore!” Logan retorted, scowling over at his brother.
Cormac interrupted, “Yeah, you do.”
Jinx caught Cam’s eye, raising an eyebrow, asking if they were okay. Cam moved his head slightly to let him know things were fine and his best friend gave him a small smile. Cam sat down just as the plane landed, not quite as smooth as usual and he wondered if the strip was in disrepair. If so, he’d need to get it sorted before his jet took off. He didn’t take chances with his aircraft.