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The Reluctant Alpha Page 5

  Rory looked pointedly at Cormac. “Some of us anyway.”

  Cam stood up, wanting to avert a slanging match between Rory and Mac. “Move, you lot, I want you to get to bed and rest because come first light I’ll be working you hard. I do not want anyone moaning or grumping, understand?”

  As Cam looked around the table each of them nodded, “Good, now go and rest.”

  His Wolves got up, thanking Marie and Angel for the food and bidding everyone goodnight. Fearghas rose, “I’ll show you where you are, lads.”

  As the kitchen emptied Cam turned to his cousin. “Can we go and chat somewhere quiet?”

  Fergie nodded, “Sure, come through to the study.”

  Cam followed behind his cousin’s wheelchair, determined to get him to listen to what he had to say. He didn’t care what the Alpha felt about Witchcraft. If it could help his cousin he was damn sure going to get him to at least try it.

  Even if he locked horns with his uncle. After all, Cam was used to disputes with an Alpha. He’d had a lifetime of it.

  ~Chapter 5 ~

  The study looked just as Cam remembered, all dark wood with a fireplace that was alight with logs, the large wooden desk taking up about a third of the room. There were only two armchairs angled toward the fire now, the third obviously taken away to make room for Fergie’s wheelchair.

  He knew his face was showing his sadness at seeing his vibrant and cheeky cousin in a wheelchair so he shut it down. All emotion frozen from his face as he took a seat. Fergie headed to the small cupboard that held his uncle’s best whisky. Although not a patch on his thousand dollar bottles it was still a good strong drink that ran smoothly down your throat.

  “Thanks,” Cam said as he took the generously filled glass Fergie held out to him, “now, can we talk?”

  Fergie grinned, taking a sip of the whisky, “Welcome to Highland Wolf Clan Pack, Cam. It’s been far too long since I saw you.”

  Cam took a drink, raising his glass towards Fergie. “Thank you, though I keep expecting the name to change. Highland Wolf Clan? Kinda far away to keep calling it that.”

  Fergie chuckled, shaking his head as he replied, “Hell, don’t let him hear you say that! ‘It reminds us of our roots, boy. Our roots!’”

  Cam burst out laughing as Fergie’s voice took on the exact tone of Fearghas’. “Shit! You’ve got that down even better, Fergie. Has the old man ever heard you? He’d have a fit!”

  Fergie smirked, “Nah, I’m not stupid. I only do it when I know he’s not around.”

  “Well, I can understand him wanting to keep the name then.” Cam took a large pull of his drink, savoring the warmth as it ran down his throat. “Now, Fergie, tell me about Angel.”

  The smile that erupted on the younger Wolf’s face was glorious to see, even a slight blush crept up onto his cheeks. “She’s gorgeous isn’t she? I don’t know how I got so lucky. I’m over the fucking moon she agreed to our mating.”

  Cam’s hand came up, halting his cousin. “Again, I don’t mean to be crass but are you two fully mated?”

  Fergie laughed, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Hell, yeah! I’m still fully functional in that department.”

  “Glad to hear it, Fergie, glad to hear it.” Cam couldn’t help grinning, his cousin’s excitement and happiness rolling off him and filling the room.

  Fergie sipped his whisky as Cam tried to think of the best way to broach the subject he was, so far, skirting around. “Hell, I guess I should just get on with it.”

  As Fergie gave him a weird look Cam realized he’d said that aloud. Shrugging his shoulders Cam carried on, “Can I talk candidly?”

  “Of course,” Fergie’s attention now fully on Cam, “what’s on your mind, cuz?”

  Cam took a steadying breath, “You have to listen, no interruptions. Okay?”

  Fergie nodded so Cam carried on, “I know most Wolves aren’t happy with magic or Witches, however, you know I’m part Witch, don’t you?”

  “Well, yeah, the old man’s mentioned it a few times but you’ve never done anything ‘magical’ around me so I thought you didn’t really have any powers.”

  Standing up, Cam went to refill his almost empty glass, “You want some more?” he asked, Fergie shaking his head and waiting expectantly. “Right, I can do magic, some simple spells, nothing dramatic but it certainly comes in handy at times. I do have a rather unique ‘tracking’ ability that mother says is rare but that’s not why I’m bringing magic up.”

  Sipping the amber liquid as he sat back down, Cam kept his eyes locked on Fergie’s, trying to gauge his reaction as he continued, “What I would like to do is contact a rather powerful Witch I know. Her healing abilities are very strong and I think she should have a look at you…”

  “No,” Fergie’s voice sounded tortured causing Cam to raise an eyebrow as the younger Wolf’s voice lowered, “I’m afraid that won’t work. The old man is dead set against Witchcraft of any sort. Something ‘bout what happened in the Highlands a long time ago. He’s never told us the whole story but he hates Witches and won’t allow one on his land. You, my dear cousin, are an exception because you are mainly Wolf.”

  “I’m honored,” Cam said wryly.

  “Well, Mum raised this point not long after it happened but he won’t hear of it.”

  Cam scowled, not quite understanding why his uncle wouldn’t try absolutely everything to make his son better. “I see, well, that doesn’t mean you can’t still see her. I can take you to her, or she can go to Maple Falls and I can take you there.”

  Fergie’s eyes lowered. “He’s Alpha, Cameron. I can’t go against him. I just can’t.”

  At the distressed tone in his cousin’s words Cam slowly shook his head. “I’m sorry, Fergie. I just want to help.”

  “I know.” Fergie gazed into the flickering flames before them. “He’s just so dead set against magic and I can’t go against him, Cam, and it’s not just because he’s Alpha. I love him and everything he’s done for me, and Angel, well, it would be like a slap in the face. Ya know?”

  His frustration rising, Cam tried to calm himself before answering. “I understand, but please just think about it. For me?”

  “I will, but we need to get to the bottom of what’s going on here first.”

  “Yes,” Cam said and inclined his head to the side, “tell me about the new Beta, Matthieu.”

  Although the older Wolf hadn’t made a good impression on Cam, he wouldn’t hold that against him. Very few people, human, Wolf, or otherwise, made a good impression on him. His standards were high and, so far, Matthieu came nowhere close to them.

  Fergie’s nose scrunched up, as if a bad smell had entered the room. “He’s strong, I’ll say that for him and he keeps the others in line, but...”

  His cousin stalled, his eyes once again leaving Cam’s to stare into the fire. “But?” Cam prodded.

  Troubled eyes turned towards Cam, Fergie’s voice low when he replied, “I don’t trust him.”

  Nodding, Cam raised an eyebrow. “Why?”

  “I don’t know.” Fergie sipped the last of his whisky, cradling the empty glass in his hands. “I have nothing to base it on but he’s always seemed ‘off’ to me.”

  Sipping his whisky, Cam mulled over Fergie’s words. The Beta making him feel on edge and knowing exactly what his cousin meant. Matthieu definitely felt “off” to him too. However, Cam always took note of his feelings about people, he didn’t judge them totally without evidence to back it up. “Where did he come from? His accent says over the border. He may speak French but he’s definitely not from France.”

  “He says he was brought up near Quebec.” Fergie mirrored Cam’s earlier eyebrow raise which said much more than his words.

  “I take it you don’t quite believe him?”

  Fergie shrugged. “Not sure, I never scent lies on him but, then again, he could just be a good liar. I do know that I never truly believe anything he says.”

  Cam’s mind started to go
into overdrive. “Can you get me his full details, name, where he said he lived before here, any family members, anything you can get me? I’m going to put one of my men on it and see what he comes up with. Trust me, if there’s anything to find out about Matthieu then my guy’ll find it.”

  “Sure,” Fergie replied. “I’ll find it out and give the details to you tomorrow. Though, I’m pretty sure there’s not much in his file. Said he ‘moved around a lot’ before he came here.”

  Chuckling, Cam looked around the study, “Your old man still keeping files on everyone?”

  “He sure does. Says he likes to have information in case of any trouble with the Council.”

  “Fergie, that reminds me, why hasn’t your dad contacted them? The Council. Surely they could send someone to look into all this that’s going on?”

  Fergie wheeled himself over to the cabinet, placing his glass down and quickly turning around. “He said we don’t have enough evidence to call them in but I wish he would at least file some sort of report or something with them. I’m worried, Cam, really worried.”


  “I’m sure I wasn’t meant to survive, then the Beta gets killed, our most important, and strong, guards are either gone or injured. I have a bad feeling that the next target is going to be our Alpha.” Fergie looked behind him, checking the door was closed. “I’ve not said anything as I don’t want my mother worrying but I’m sure he’s in danger. I feel it.”

  Cam could feel the worry rolling off of his cousin, the scent cloying in the air around them. “I’ll do my best to find out what’s going on and I’ll also try and keep the old man safe. Maybe it’d be better if he stayed close to camp for the time being.”

  “I agree, but good luck with that,” Fergie replied, shrugging his shoulders. “He’s always out on the prowl nowadays and sometimes we don’t see him from first light until after dinner’s passed.”

  “I’ll talk to him in the morning. See if I can’t get him to stay around here, for a few days anyway. Now, tell me all the Pack news. What’s been happening?”

  Cam settled down and listened as Fergie filled him in on the day to day happenings, the matings, the new cubs that had graced the Pack in recent years and, of course, his own mate, Angel. When the younger Wolf spoke of her his eyes lit up, his face relaxed, and his happiness was very clear to see.

  “I’m thrilled for you, Fergie, she certainly makes you happy, that’s for sure.”

  Fergie grinned like a lovesick pup. “Yes, she does and she’s such a strong Wolf too. I’ve no idea why she lumbered herself with me.”

  “Because she knows you and loves you. That’s also clear to see. The way she blushes when she looks at you. It’s really cute.”

  Fergie frowned, his eyes dropping to his almost useless legs. “Still, I’m not exactly the catch of the Pack.”

  Cam felt his irritation rise again at the way magic was perceived here. He was sure the Witch he had in mind could help his cousin. “Are you sure you don’t want...”

  Fergie’s hand shot up. “No, I’m sorry Cameron, but I just can’t. He’s going through enough shit at the moment and I don’t want to add to it. There’d be a hell of an argument ‘bout it. Best to just leave things be.”

  “As you wish,” Cameron conceded as he stood up. “I’m going to turn in. I want to make sure we all get enough rest for tomorrow. I’ll be working the boys hard and it’s been a long time since I’ve trekked through the forest, so I’ll need to get a good night’s sleep.”

  Fergie turned his wheelchair, following Cam out of the study. “G’night, Cam, hope you can get to the bottom of all this.”

  “Me too,” Cam carried on down the hallway, “see you tomorrow, cuz.”

  “Cam,” Fergie asked him, “how long can you stay?”

  Cam was thoughtful for a moment before answering, “I have a few social appointments that I can miss and I don’t have any urgent business meetings for a little while. Don’t worry I’ll stay for as long as I’m needed. I can always get Marcus to fly me to anything urgent.”

  “Thank fuck,” Fergie cursed then grinned up at Cameron. “I was worried you’d have to jet off soon and, as I said, I’m worried and I feel a little useless being stuck in this thing.”

  Fergie slapped the arm of his wheelchair. “So, I can go home to my mate and get a decent night’s rest tonight, knowing you’re watching the old man’s back.”

  Cam patted Fergie on the shoulder. “I’ll do all I can to keep everyone safe. I may be a businessman now but I’m still a strong Wolf and no fucker is going to harm any of mine.”

  Fergie chuckled, “There he is! The Cam I know and love and not that poncy guy in a suit!”

  “Hey!” Cam punched Fergie on the arm, none too gently. “I don’t look ‘poncy’ in my suits. I’ll have you know I spend a fortune on them to make sure I don’t! Look poncy that is.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you can tell yourself that all you want.” Fergie laughed out loud as he rolled away, heading towards the kitchen. “I’m going to grab my mate, in more ways than one, and get on home.”

  “I so didn’t need to know that!” Cam smirked as he shouted a quick goodbye before heading outside, a smile still on his face.

  Walking through the camp he nodded to a few of the Pack that were out and some shouted “Hello’s” to ones that he was friendly with. Amazing that it had been many years since he’d visited but it felt like only a few months had passed.

  The land his uncle had chosen for his Pack so long ago was beautiful in the extreme. Lush green forests for hunting and logging, although they replenished everything three times over to ensure they didn’t deplete the area. From flat land leading to the river, going over and up into a mountain range that held some of the most spectacular views Cam had ever seen.

  “Funny how I feel more at home here than I do in my actual home,” he thought as he made his way to the Club House. Making a quick call on his phone to get his best Detective, Jacob Stone, on the case too.

  Cam’s enhanced Wolf hearing picked up laughter and banter from within the Club house as he drew near.

  Mac’s voice was indignant as Cam opened the door, “How the hell does he do it? That’s what I want to know, I mean, we’ve been here for less than a couple of hours and he’s already got someone wrapped around his…”

  Logan interrupted, “Mac! I hope you were about to say finger.”

  Jinx burst out laughing, bending over and holding his sides, as Cam joined them. “What’s up?”

  “Rory!” Mac and Logan said together.

  Cam noticed the more outgoing twin was nowhere to be seen. “Where is he? I said I wanted you all to have an early night.”

  Logan’s face blushed, his eyes dropping as Jinx finally got himself under control. It was his best friend that answered, “He’s off for a ‘walk’ with one of the young She-Wolves. Less than a minute after her stopping to say ‘hello’ he had her agreeing to take him on a tour. Not sure when we’ll see him, but my guess is it won’t be ‘til morning.”

  Cam’s growl was low as his anger grew, “What? Are you shittin’ me? He better get his ass back here pronto or I’ll be kicking said ass from here to the other end of the camp, and back again!”

  Logan’s body went in on itself, his eyes not rising as Cam glared at him. Mac shrugged. “Don’t give Logan the evil eye, it’s not his fault his twin’s able to get women to do whatever the hell he wants. I did warn him you’d be on the warpath though, so, hopefully he’ll be back soon.”

  As if on cue, Rory walked in, a huge smile on his face. “She is so nice! Easy on the eyes too, don’t ya think?”

  Cam’s scowl shut Rory up, “Where the hell have you been? Out canoodling with a She-Wolf?”

  Rory’s hands came up, his eyes all wide eyed innocence. “Nope, definitely no canoodling went on but she did show me around and they’ve got some good ideas. One of them is so simple yet practical, they have wooden shelves built at several places with those big plasti
c tubs with lids on. They put their clothes in there when they’re going Wolf so that they’re nice ‘n dry when they get back. Plus, no chance of any animals running off with them.”

  Logan looked between his twin and Cam. “Yeah, that is a good idea, isn’t it, Cam?”

  A small growl rumbled from Cam, “We’re not here to pick up tips on where to store clothes. Rory, I told you to come here and rest. Do not disobey me again.”

  Mac stood up. “He’s here now, Cam, and I’m sure he’ll be a good boy now. Won’t you, Rory?”

  Mac’s tone emphasized the last bit, his eyebrow raised as Rory nodded. “Yeah, sorry, afraid I let a pretty face sidetrack me, Cam. I won’t let it happen again.”

  “Good,” Cam’s said and his body relaxed slightly, “we’ve got a lot of work to do tomorrow and we need to be alert. These ‘accidents’ have happened to strong Wolves whose abilities are formidable and they’ve been taken by surprise. I do not want that happening to any of you.”

  Cam looked around, his eyes locking with each of them before he smirked. “After all, if anything happened to any of you my mother would kill me!”

  Laughter erupted as the tension broke, Rory walking over apologizing, “I really am sorry, Cam.”

  Patting Rory’s shoulder Cam inclined his head to the side. “I know you are, but there’ll be plenty of time for fun after we’ve neutralized any threat. Okay?”

  Rory’s eyes lowered. “Yes, I know. I’m a sucker for a pretty face but I’ll focus on what we’re here to do.”

  “Rory,” Cam lowered his voice, “you’re one of the strongest here and I need you at my back.”

  “I’ll always have your back, Cam.” Rory’s face solemn and far more serious than normal as he spoke.