Defender's Blood The Birth and The Battle (Urban Fantasy) Read online

Page 8

  Her eyes drifted back down and the proof was there for her to see. Her hand slowly cupped him and she pressed slightly on his sac, he moaned and went to pull her to him. She gently shook her head and lowered herself to her knees. Before she had even taken him in her mouth he was panting and as soon as her lips touched him, he thought he was in heaven.

  He watched her pleasuring him, it was so erotic. He tangled his fingers in her curly hair and held her to him. He joined in, pushing hard into her mouth. Alex mewled softly, she was incredibly turned on and she loved doing this to her Vampire. He held her firm, not letting her head leave his lap. “I’m going to come soon and then, my love, we’re going to try out our new toy.” His voice was low and full of anticipation.

  Her breath hitched, both in excitement and a little bit of fear of the unknown. “I want you to do something, I’m going to push all the way in, right back and when I touch the back I want you to swallow. I want to come right down the back of your throat.” He let her process what he had said and grabbed her hair firmly and pushed all the way in. She was a phenomenal student, she always got it right.

  This time was no exception, she did as he had instructed and as soon as he felt it, him going all the way in and over the back of her throat his release hit him, hard. He pumped in for a few more strokes and all the while Alex swallowed.

  “You never cease to amaze me, little one.” Zach bent down and picked her up, he very quickly removed the negligee.

  He placed her in the middle of the bed and leant in close and kissed her. He tweaked a nipple and then moved down, to the spot she so loved him to touch. He worked her for a minute or two then pulled up and flipped her over. He put her into one of their favourite positions with her head comfy on a pillow and her ass stuck up in the air, just waiting on him. Zach added a couple more pillows underneath her hips and belly, making sure she was comfortable and supported.

  He brought over the ‘present’ and laid it down next to him. He would have to get her ready first. He moved a hand down her bottom and over her tight hole then onwards to her extremely wet sheath. “I see you are already aroused and ready?” Alex could only whimper, whenever he touched her she was ready instantly. He moved fingers in and out while working her nub with his thumb, then he moved the very wet slippery fingers upwards, wetting her tight hole, lubricating it with her own juices.

  “Zach, I’m not sure about this, is this not … well ... wrong?” She was finding it hard to talk as his fingers worked her.

  “Darling, absolutely anything goes between two people, so long as they both want and enjoy it. Have I ever given you cause to doubt me?” he queried, still working her and moving more and more of her juices to her behind.

  “Oh Zach – shit, I can’t think straight – but uhm ... no ... no you haven’t.”

  Zach smiled, bent down and kissed her ass, licked right where he was going to place the new toy. “Okay then, I will take it slow, I will be gentle, if you really don’t like it you know your safe word – Red. All you have to do is say Red, no other word Alexina, only Red, and I will stop. Okay?” She nodded her head, getting desperate now for him to enter her.

  She was more than wet enough now so he placed a finger and slowly entered, she tensed. “No Alexina, relax, trust me. You know you want this, I can feel how wet you are.” He pressed on and finally started to go in and out.

  She was shocked, something like this had never crossed her mind before, wasn’t this wrong? Oh but it felt so good.

  She pressed slightly back onto Zach, he smiled, he knew his little one, he knew she would like it. He withdrew his finger and slowly, very slowly used their new toy. Again she tensed and he told her to relax. “Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”

  “No arghh – God, Zach I need you – please!” she almost screamed.

  He got the toy in and started to move it very slightly. It was the smallest one there was so he knew it would not hurt or damage her in any way, and when he turned it round she pushed back onto him forcefully. He positioned himself and entered her wet folds. She just about came there and then, the sensations she was getting from the ‘other hole’ as she was now thinking of it, well she couldn’t believe what her body was doing. “Tell me what you’re feeling?” he asked her.

  “Shit no – Zach I can’t think – good – the answer’s good!”

  He was entering her slowly, letting her get used to the feeling of him inside her at the same time as their new toy. “Good? Oh dear – is that all?” He said this with a slightly jocular manner.

  “Zach – stop talking! I need you so please, please stop talking!”

  He threw his head back and laughed, she so did not like talking about things like this.

  He gripped her hip with one hand and turned the toy with his other. She groaned so loud that he knew she was enjoying it, much more than he had even hoped. He started to enter her more quickly but still held the toy and turned it every so often. He turned it once again and stopped to grip her other hip.

  “No no, don’t stop what you were doing, Zach don’t stop!”

  He smiled to himself, his hand reaching again to turn the toy. Oh he was going to teach her a lot more, an awful lot more.

  He started to turn it and at the same time take it out, just a little and put it back in, in time with his thrusts. She screamed very loudly “YES!” and Zach continued, she pushed back, very forcibly onto him and reached her climax. Her whole body shook and then slowly relaxed.

  However, Zach wasn’t finished with her just yet. He kept the toy in and moved so his body was over hers, his hands on either side of her shoulders. He thrust harder and she moaned again, one of his hands reached for her hair and pulled back on it. Her head came up and he pulled it to the side and with no licking, no advance warning, bit down on her throat, hard.

  Her exquisite blood entered his mouth and Alex reached another orgasm in seconds. She screamed his name and tightened around him inside her body. His seed entered her with force and he pumped in and out to milk his climax. He pulled back slowly and removed their new toy, gently, before removing himself from her.

  He lay down at her side and pulled her over onto him. “Now that was good sex!” he grinned.

  “What is wrong with you? Why do you have to talk about stuff!” She buried her head in his shoulder.

  “Stuff? What stuff? Oh you mean SEX. I’ve lost count of the times I have said this Alexina, we talk about it so we can do new things, find out if we like them, or not. Now be honest with me, you enjoyed your new toy? Didn’t you?”

  She was mortified. “Alexina, answer me!” She nodded. “Was that a yes?” he asked. She nodded again. “Tell me little one, tell me, did you like your new toy?”

  “Yes! Okay there I said it, yes I liked the new toy!” and she started laughing. “God the things you do to me. Zach, there has been nothing, not one thing that we have done that I haven’t liked. I may have had reservations on some of them, but as usual, you are right.”

  He smiled down at her flushed face, “There’s so much more my darling, so much more!” She cuddled into him and fell fast asleep.

  Zach let her sleep for a little while but when her meal arrived he woke her. She smiled up at him with that sleepy look she had. “You are so gorgeous, you take my breath away,” he said as he bent down and kissed her lightly.

  “Come on, up you get, your food’s here and if you don’t move your little tush I think I might just jump in beside you again and you know where that will lead?” He raised an eyebrow at her and she lazily stretched, the covers falling off and he moaned. “No really, you need to get up. I’ve got another surprise, please Alexina, you’re killing me. Lying there all naked and breasts just screaming to be kissed!”

  He turned towards the nearest bathroom. “Where are you going, Mr Vampire?”

  “For a bloody cold shower, wench!” he threw back over his shoulder.

  Alex laughed and got out of bed. She threw on one of the
extremely fluffy robes that the hotel provided and went through to eat, she was starving.

  Zach was in the shower for quite some time. She had finished eating by the time he came back through, fully dressed. She had curled up in a corner of the sofa, relaxed and satiated, both by their lovemaking and her food.

  Zach sat down beside her and pulled her onto his lap. She looked up into his face. “So where did you learn all about that kind of stuff?”

  “What stuff? You mean sex? Toys?” He was trying to get her to say the words, she was still reserved when it came to talking about sex and this was the first time since they met that she had outwardly asked.

  “Mmm yeah about sex, we’ve done so much in the last few months but somehow I think there’s still a lot more you’re holding back?”

  “Alexina, you know I’m very old, did you think I had been celibate for centuries?” he queried with one eyebrow raised.

  “Well no, but some of the stuff like that toy today. Well I didn’t even know what it was when I first saw it,” she admitted and Zach chuckled.

  “You should have seen your face when I said ‘butt plug’, it was hilarious! Sorry, right, I’ll answer your question. The truth is when you’re more or less immortal, well you have plenty of time for finding new ways to do things. It would be very boring if I had only had sex in one position for hundreds of years! I’ve tried many, many different ways, most I have liked and would like to teach you.”

  Alex looked thoughtful. “So you said you liked most, what didn’t you like?”

  “I don’t like inflicting severe pain, in BDSM, well there are some extremes which I did not enjoy and would not do. I would never do anything that really hurt anyone and especially not to someone I love,” he explained.

  She relaxed, when they had begun to experiment she looked BDSM up on the internet, and some of what she saw had scared her. She was glad Zach had just relieved those fears.

  “Here’s a question, it just popped into my head, have you ... mmm ... done it with more than one person at a time?” She looked away, a little embarrassed.

  “The answer to that would be yes, I have. I have ‘done it’ as you so politely put it with more than one female and on occasion another male, myself and a female.”

  Her head shot up, a confused look on her face. Zach could see what was in her mind. “No, I have not had sex with a man but I have played with a female while another man took part.”

  She thought before she asked her next question. “Was it with strangers?”

  “Not exactly, the times when another male was involved it was someone I knew well, I would not engage in something like that with a man I didn’t know. With the females – well yes, you could call some of them strangers. Vampires, Wolves, in fact most of the non-humans have a very high sex drive, Alexina. We are a sexual people, we engage in sex a lot.”

  “I had noticed!” she quipped back.

  “I have never even looked at another female since meeting you, Alexina. You are more than enough for me and I look forward to teaching you so much more. More about sex, more about your reaction to things, just more, and lots of it!”

  “Well that’s good Mr Vampire, because if I caught you cheating – well let’s just say that Mrs Bobbit had the right idea!”

  It took Zach a minute to process what she had said and the name, he tightened his hold on her and laughed till he had tears running down his face.

  There was a knock at their door and Zach didn’t move, he kept holding Alex tight to him on his lap, he did, however, shout “Door’s unlocked.” Vlad and Irina came in. Irina looked like the cat that had caught the canary and was smiling from ear to ear.

  Zach smiled. “You look happy Irina, now it could be that Vlad’s been treating you particularly well ... or ... you could have received my present?”

  “Oh yes! I just got it. I had to try it on and oh my God, it’s fabulous! Where are we going though, that I would need it?” She was again doing the jumping thing she did when excited, she always came across as an excited puppy.

  “Now you and Alexina will have to wait until tomorrow to find out.” Alex looked at Zach and then Irina.

  “Well come on, tell me, what was your present?”

  Irina launched herself at Zach and gave him a rather awkward cuddle. “Thank you so much, Zach. I love it. Alex, the most beautiful evening gown was just delivered to our room. I thought it was a mistake but the label said it was for me, and well, it’s just out of this world! Oh tell us Zach, where are we going?”

  Zach just smiled calmly and shook his head. Curious, Alex thought, he was definitely keeping some kind of block up. She couldn’t see in his thoughts what their gowns were for.

  There was another knock at the door and Vlad answered it. A very businesslike lady dressed in a skirt suit came in, her arms were full of what looked like catalogues. Alex wondered who she was and why she was there?

  “Mr Smith?” the lady said, looking rather shell-shocked to be standing in a room with two such fine-looking men. Zach moved to put Alexina back onto the couch and got up.

  “Yes I’m Mr Smith, this here is my fiancé, it’s her you will be dealing with. Are the catalogues the way I requested?” he asked this mysterious woman.

  “Yes, yes sir, absolutely, no prices and everything we stock in the baby department. These cover maternity wear, baby clothes, cots, prams, strollers, bottles, sterilisers, in fact everything that would be needed. I have made a list, going by your specifications, and I will go through it with … erm …”

  “This is Alexina, the one in the robe, and her friend Irina. They have carte blanche on everything. Money is not a consideration, just make sure that she has everything that we’ll need.”

  Alex was staring with her mouth hanging open. The lady handed her the catalogues and Irina gasped. “That’s the biggest store in this part of the country, it’s very elite and pricey!” she stage whispered.

  “As I said, Irina, money is not a consideration. Help Alexina get everything she will need or just wants, anything at all. We will leave you ladies to it and Vlad and I are going down to the bar for a drink.” At which the two of them promptly left.

  “Hi, Alexina, Irina, my name’s Samantha, I’m a private shopper for our store. I’m here to help you get what you need, without the need for you to walk all over the place tiring yourself out. In your condition you don’t need to be doing all that running around.” Samantha smiled warmly, she obviously loved her job.

  She handed Alex a laminated sheet. “This is the list, have a look through and then we can finalise exactly what you want. It will all be delivered to your home – I understand you live just outside Tucson? – whenever you like. If you want it next week, well you’ll have it. If you want it nearer your due date that’s not a problem either. I’m here to make sure you get what you want, when you want it.”

  Alex was astounded at Zach’s forward thinking, he had this all planned before they got here. Once more she realised just how lucky she was.

  It took a couple of hours before things were finalised, of course they needed two of everything. She hadn’t even heard of a Moses basket, jeez she didn’t have a clue about baby stuff, but Irina assured her that she needed them.

  “Irina, I’m not sure, I was thinking that for the first few weeks or so I would put the babies together in one cot. I don’t want them sleeping separately. Well not until they need to, that is.”

  Irina looked thoughtful. “Alex that’s a great idea, I hadn’t thought of that. Yes it might upset them to be separated after being together in your womb. Plus that picture of them holding hands, well yes I agree with you. One cot for both of them to begin with.”

  She ordered two of the cots but would only use one until the needs of the babies changed.

  Alex was amazed at how long the list was, she repeatedly asked both Samantha and Irina, “Do we really need that?” To which they would both respond a resounding ‘yes’.

When they were finished Alex’s head was spinning and she was hungry once more. Zach’s thoughts came to her loud and clear – ‘We’re coming back to the rooms. we’ll get ready and go out for dinner’. To which she was very relieved, she couldn’t believe how hungry she was.

  Samantha left, with a huge smile on her face and a huge list in her hand. She had the signed paperwork from Zach for everything to come from his account.

  She passed the men on her way to the elevator and Zach just gave a slight nod and smile. Even that had her heart picking up speed, both the Vampires could hear it. She had left her card and number with Alex as she wasn’t sure when she wanted it all delivered. Alex would phone and let her know.

  Zach sped up as he neared the door to their suite. He didn’t like being away from Alexina and wanted a kiss. As soon as he opened the door, she jumped up and ran to him. He put his arms out and she ran straight into them, he picked her up and passionately kissed her.

  He noticed that the passion being returned matched his own. “Get a room you two!” Vlad was smiling at them, he was happy to see his best friend so blessed with a pregnant mate. “Ooops sorry, you’ve got a room and we’re the interlopers. Come on Irina, lets leave them in peace. Not long though, we’ll be back in an hour to go for dinner.”

  Irina and Vlad left the two of them – they hadn’t released each other’s lips yet. Zach finally pulled away but he still held Alex and her feet were dangling quite some distance from the floor. “So did you get it all organised?” he asked.

  “Zach, that was one of the nicest things you’ve done for me. I was dreading traipsing all over, specially as I hadn’t a clue as to what we would need! The answer is yes. I haven’t given a delivery date yet though cause we can’t be sure on due date with this pregnancy. Samantha said she will get the order together and placed on hold, so that it can be delivered very quickly if need be,” Alex told him and he replied with a slight smile.